Model Showcase: Garviel Loken
This week sees the introduction of our new series: Model Showcase.
We plan to use these particular posts to show off cool models, rather than simply painting guides. We’ve already seem something like this in Stuart Barker’s excellent Khårn post, and we do hope to bring you plenty of guest posts in the future.
For this week though, I’m sharing Garviel Loken, last Captain of the Lunar Wolves, that I painted last year. At the time I set myself a little bit of a challenge to see if I could paint the green of the Sons of Horus, and I’m pretty happy with the results (There’s a little guide to how I painted him further on):
Forge World Luparcal Green > Forge World Sons of Horus Green (Zenith highlight) > Gloss Varnish (Halfords Gloss Lacquer) > Forge World Mortarion Green Wash
Khorne Red > Gloss Varnish (Halfords Gloss Lacquer) > Flesh wash (Nuln Oil + Seraphim Sepia + Clear Medium)
Tamiya Flat Earth > Baneblade Brown > Karak Stone > 80/20 mix of Karak Stone and Ceramite White > Gloss Varnish > Agrax Earthshade > Eshin Grey (Sponge)
If you have any questions please ask.
Thanks for reading and don’t forget to like and share!