Mortarion – Daemon Primarch of Nurgle, part 5

It’s been a bit of a break from Mortarion, and the Death Guard as a whole really, but I’m back on the horse and ready to carry on with him. I think the miniature itself was a little intimidating. It’s so big it takes an age, and the thought of continuing, knowing I have the huge, huge wings to do was a bit off putting.

But here we are.

The first thing to do, was give the arm armour it’s bone colour, which was a mix of Citadel Ushabti Bone and White.

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Next I started on a few shades. On the tubes running from his chest to shoulder armour, and running from his respirator to his hood, I used Citadel Reikland Fleshshade, while on his armour I started the corrosion in the same way as the other sections of his armour – shown below. After this I continued to add the same streaks using Citadel Agrax Earthshade, then Citadel Nuln Oil.

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The next thing was to glue the wings in place. Now one of the things I really like about the new miniatures, is that they fit together so well. Gone are the days of holding two cobs of ill-fitting metal together while you waited for the superglue to dry. With Mortarion’s wings and Tamiya Extra Thin Cement, they were in place in seconds.

I also added the tubes from his shoulders to the tanks on his back,  from the tanks to the bit above the tanks, and the one on each wing.

Then it was time for base coating them. The whole wing was painted with Vallejo Basic Skintone, the hairs with Vallejo Flesh Base, and the metal tubing that runs through parts of them were painted with Vallejo Model Air Chrome. Now this is no small job if you’re brush painting them, you can’t rush and put loads of paint on at once as you’ll obscure detail on them, so it’s a long process.

Next I added the shades. For the veins and spines on the wings, I used Citadel Druchii Violet, for the wing’s skin sections it was Reikland Fleshshade, the spines received a wash of Citadel Agrax Earthshade and the tubing received Nuln Oil.

The final part of the night, while the shades were drying, was spent starting the Nurglings. Their skin was painted with Citadel Nurgling Green and then shaded with Reikland Fleshshade.



I think that, of the whole model, the wings are the most time consuming if you don’t spray/airbrush them, but depending on circumstances that isn’t always possible. Brush painting them and then carefully shading them took around three-four hours, and I expect that finishing them off will take about four-five, because there’ll be the base, highlights and details.

That’s all for now, but the next part won’t be too long in the making.

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