Mortarion – Daemon Primarch of Nurgle, part 7

It’s here! It’s finally here! The final, seventh slice of Mortarion. As I write this, he’s actually been finished for just over a month, but I’ve been working on other things and trying to get some interesting and different posts done – I’m sure there’s only so much Nurgle a site can hold.

The Wings

The wings were very time consuming due to their size, but they were very simple to do.

  • Use Vallejo Red Wash around all of the wounds to make the skin  look infected.
  • Use Citadel Carroburg Crimson Shade to darken the edges of the wounds.
  • Add trickles of Carroburg Crimson running down from each wound
  • Use Citadel Technical Blood for the Blood God to go around the inside of each wound and to add the odd thin trickle from them

The base

The base was based on the bases of the Plaguebearers that I’ve been painting up for Age of Sigmar/Warhammer 40k. I wanted to make it look as though he was over the only section of stone in an area that was becoming a fetid swamp. For this I used the following simple method.

  • Apply a thick layer of Citadel Stirland Battlemire, using something (I used the bum end of a Citadel Medium Layer paintbrush) to create dimples and gouges in it.
  • Once the Stirland Battlemire was dry, I used AK Puddles to fill the dimples and gouges. This takes a lot of layers as it recedes into the space you’re filling as it dries, so kept filling them until I was happy with the look.
  • Using Carroburg Crimson, and to a lesser extent Blood for the Blood God, coated an old Citadel Small Layer brush an dragged it through certain puddles to leave a trail. I also let droplets of Carroburg Crimson fall into certain puddles which allows it to spread out nicely through the AK Puddles acrylic.

With the base completed, Mortarion, the Daemon Primarch of Nurgle was finally ready for the battlefield.

Below are a few pictures of the finished model, ready to go when the Death Guard roll out. After 30 years in the hobby it was nice to paint Guilliman last year, and this year it was great to paint up one of the Traitor primarchs. I’m looking forward to seeing what follows as Games Workshop lead us further along the 40k timeline.

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