Video ‘How to paint Necromunda bases’

In this very quick tutorial I’ll be painting up one of the bases from Necromunda Dark Uprising. Now the bases are the same as with all Necromunda minis – detailed with a real industrial look to them. This quick and easy tutorial uses only eight paints and gets the bases looking great for the tabletop.

A full list of paints used can be found below the video.

Citadel Leadbelcher
Citadel Averland Sunset
Vallejo Black
Vallejo Model Air Chrome

Citadel Seraphim Sepia
Citadel Nuln Oil
Citadel Agrax Earthshade

Dry Paints
Citadel Necron Compound

Citadel Medium Layer Brush
Citadel Medium Layer Brush (OLD!)
Army Painter Wargamer Character Brush

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