Video ‘How to paint a Knights of the Chalice Primaris Captain (Indomitus)’
In this video I’ll be painting the shield-bearing captain from the 9th Edition Warhammer 40k Indomitus box as part of the Knights of the Chalice chapter. The Indomitus miniaturs are superb, so expect to see more of them being painted up in the coming weeks. The miniature has been sprayed with Halfords Red Primer prior to starting the video.
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A full list of paints can be found below the video.
Citadel Mephiston Red
Citadel Evil Sunz Scarlet
Citadel Squig Orange
Citadel Khorne Red
Citadel Wazdakka Red
Citadel Deepkin Flesh
Citadel Rakarth Flesh
Citadel Ushabti Bone
CitadelAverland Sunset
Citadel Yriel Yellow
Citadel Waprstone Glow
Citadel Fulgurite Copper
Citadel Retributor Armour
Citadel Liberator Gold
Citadel Mournfang Brown
Citadel Runelord Brass
Citadel Canoptek Alloy
Vallejo White
Vallejo Black
Vallejo Model Air Chrome
Vallejo Flesh Base
Citadel Nuln Oil
Citadel Agrax Earthshade
Citadel Reikland Fleshshade
Citadel Cryptek Armourshade Gloss
Citadel Seraphim Sepia
Citadel Athonian Camoshade
Citadel Carroburg Crimson
Citadel Black Templar
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