Video ‘How to paint a Space Wolves Bladeguard Lieutenant’

In this video I’ll be painting up a Space Wolf Bladeguard Lieutenant. It’s a slightly converted version of the Bladeguard Lieutenant from Indomitus or the Imperium magazine with a few additional details added. It’s my first foray into the Space Wolves since the Kill-Team I painted up a few years ago. After a break from this chapter for a few years, I’m looking forward to painting up more of them in the near future.

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Citadel Mephiston Red
Citadel Evil Sunz Scarlet
Citadel Wild Rider Red
Citadel Khorne Red
Citadel Wazdakka Red
Citadel Pink Horror
Citadel Iron Hands Steel
Citadel Rakarth Flesh
Citadel Ushabti Bone
Citadel Retributor Armour
Citadel Liberator Gold
Citadel Ahriman Blue
Citadel Baneblade Brown
Citadel Cadian Fleshtone
Vallejo Black
Vallejo German Grey
Vallejo Model Air Chrome
Vallejo White

Citadel Nuln Oil
Citadel Agrax Earthshade
Citadel Seraphim Sepia
Citadel Reikland Fleshshade
Citadel Fuegan Orange
Citadel Druchii Violet
Citadel Carroburg Crimson

Citadel Apothecary White
Citadel Snakebite Leather

#Spacewolves #bladeguard #Imperium